Grow Together

As we strive to grow closer to God as His church, we have committed to growing in His word using the below tools to accomplish it.

"Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness." - 1 Peter 2:2-3

The Read Scripture App

This app allows you to do it all in one place, spend time alone with God, understand the Bible, stay motivated, and watch the amazing videos explaining whats going on.

The Reading Plan (PDF)

This plan takes you through the entire
bible in one year. The scriptures are
divided up into sixteen “chapters” and
organized in semi-chronological order.
You’ll read two or three chapters a
and sometimes skim through
larger portions that contain genealogies,
census information, etc.

Watch Online - The Bible Project

"The Bible is an amazing piece of literature, and if we haven’t already shown our hand, we think its the best to ever be assembled. That said, we admittedly know people get lost and overwhelmed with the sheer depth of it."  That is why The Bible Project has created these videos to help explain cultural and current events from what we read.